HR Conclave 2020 at Delhi

HR Conclave 2020 on “Future of Learning and Development”  successfully held on 29, February 2020 at Jaypee Sidharth Hotel, New Delhi.

The event was  organized by IHRD, Bangalore alongwith the Media Partners : The People Management, Brainamaze, Supporting Partner- Creating Values, Knowledge Partner- Human Capital and DivHERcity Partner- jobsforher.

Best Practices in Compensation and Benefits | Umasanker Kandaswamy | COO | Bruhat Insight Global | the AI-powered talent acquisition arm of Avtar

Job evaluation and salary determination are complicated problems and getting them right is critical for good pay decisions. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the ability to access and analyze massive employee data and make intelligent recommendations based on statistical probabilities that can potentially transform the compensation and benefits practices.