A series of webinars “brand-comm Connect”

“brand-comm Connect” is a platform for knowledge sharing through a series of webinars. The idea is to create a platform that allows industry thought leaders to engage with each other to inspire change. The first episode will go live on 20th May, and we would like your help in reaching out to a larger audience.

HRM Summit 2020 organize by Impact Global

2020 marks our Ninth year of hosting incredible HR events in the region. Drawing many of the world’s HR leaders together to learn and do business, HRM Summit combines carefully curated content with unrivalled opportunities to make connections

9th Annual HRM Summit 2020 Dubai, October 2020

2020 marks our Ninth year of hosting incredible HR events in the region. Drawing many of the world’s HR leaders together to learn and do business, HRM Summit combines carefully curated content with unrivalled opportunities to make connections.

HR Conclave 2020 at Delhi

HR Conclave 2020 on “Future of Learning and Development”  successfully held on 29, February 2020 at Jaypee Sidharth Hotel, New Delhi.

The event was  organized by IHRD, Bangalore alongwith the Media Partners : The People Management, Brainamaze, Supporting Partner- Creating Values, Knowledge Partner- Human Capital and DivHERcity Partner- jobsforher.


One of the noteworthy features of the Indian workplace is a demographic uniqueness.Human Resource Management has evolved rapidly leading the vision for organizational capabilities

Bangalore HR Summit 2019

Institute of HRD will be hosting the 18th Bangalore HR Summit 2019 on 13-14, 2019 at Bangalore, India. In this HR Summit Human Resources Professionals from India, Asia Pacific and Middle East are expected to participate