Vijay Padmanabhan

The CHRO and the CFO uphold employee success | Vijay Padmanabhan | Chief Financial Officer | UST

Vijay PadmanabhanAn organization’s success and future are essentially driven by its people. No matter which portfolio one is taking care of, every leader – whether CFO or CHRO – has to have the pulse of people, with an in-depth understanding of
what motivates and excites them. Such a nuanced understanding is possible only when a collaborative partnership exists between the CFO and the CHRO. Every organizational decision and goal must be people-centric. Employee
success and motivation nurture revenue, and without employee satisfaction, an organization is likely to stagnate. This is particularly true for a technology company, where the talent and skillset of the workforce is of utmost value. It lends a beneficial competitive advantage, which management and leadership acutely focus on strengthening.

All CXOs are increasingly becoming aware that business strategy is anchored in market conditions, geopolitical climate, and talent. And since people are an important part of this trinity, the CFO has to ensure financial stability even when fluctuations are at play. In this context, the CFO and CHRO have to partner to tackle these co-dependent vectors. The employees in an organization could get demotivated and stressed by uneven market conditions.
In such an environment, it is imperative that the financial and people leaders of an organization act in close conjunction with each other, to ensure that the rhythm of business progresses seamlessly.

These vital nuances become even more relevant in the context of their influence on financial metrics. A CFO must strike the balancing act of investing in talent, while maintaining judicious control on costs and budgets. In addition, it is important for a CFO to stay extremely aware of the means to delivering on expectations of the organization, while also drawing the boundaries of those means. This is where the connection and collaboration between the two units becomes consequential as they feed meaningful and actionable variables back to each other, and keep the wheels of growth inching forward.

For an organization to truly unlock its potential and chart a path of advancement, a CFO and CHRO must work in tandem to deliver sustainable results, and ensure smooth operations.