How resume attract HR / What HR sees in Resume at first instance | ABHISHEK BAGGA | Vice President | Human Resources | Goals101 Data Solutions

Your resume is the first thing that a recruiter sees to start making an impression about you. It is important to follow a few basic steps to get that coveted job. In a market flush with talent, make sure you stand out!


Brevity on a resume should be exercised in two ways. One, keep your resume to one page only – even highly successful professionals keep their resume to a page. Second, don’t use long sentences or paragraphs to describe anything – try to keep every bullet point to one line.

Email address (as an example) is a lot less likely to get a response than your

Tailor your resume for the opportunity

Obviously, possessing the right skills and experience is paramount, but highlighting the right industry keywords and customizing the resume to match the job description is equally important to get noticed.

Relevant experience & educational qualifications

The first thing an employer looks for in a resume is whether an applicant has the relevant work experience and the educational qualifications for the position. For example; for specific skill sets in the technology world, it could be computer programming languages, certifications etc. if the opening is for a Human Resources, the recruiter may be looking for an MBA in HR as well as experience in the same domain/industry.

Make sure it is error-free and easy to read

A typo in your resume is one of the surest ways of blowing your chances for an interview as HR reps equate typos and errors with laziness. Your resume tells the hiring manager how diligent you are about your work and whether you take pride in it.


Highlighting Quantifiable achievements!

Employers love candidates who show accomplishments and contributions for each role. They want to read about instances where a candidate has achieved some degree of success so that HR reps have a reliable measure to judge your worth.

Be prepared to explain gaps or frequent job changes

Have logical reasons to explain any frequent job changes or any gaps on your resume. Recruiters are also humans and are there to listen to your story!