
How corporate are working to provide a better environment for mothers | Dr. Ravinder Goyal | Co-Founder | Erekrut

ErekrutForward-thinking corporations are prioritizing supportive environments for working mothers, vital for gender equity, productivity, and employee satisfaction. Deloitte offers telecommuting and flexible scheduling through its “Time Out” program. Etsy provides 26 weeks of paid parental leave within two years of childbirth or adoption. Patagonia goes further, offering on-site childcare and welcoming babies at work, boosting retention and fostering inclusivity. IBM’s ‘Tech Re-Entry’ program aids returning mothers with a 12-week paid internship. Accenture provides comprehensive wellness programs, including maternity support. These initiatives reflect a broader shift towards empathetic workplaces. By accommodating mothers, companies enhance their reputation, attract talent, and foster a healthier, more productive workforce. This trend isn’t just about concessions but about reshaping corporate culture to be inclusive and supportive for all, said Dr. Ravinder Goyal, Co-Founder, Erekrut

As the corporate landscape continues to evolve, one thing remains clear: by prioritizing the well-being and empowerment of mothers, businesses are not only doing what’s right – they’re also paving the way for a brighter, more inclusive future for all.