Allstate India

How corporate are working to provide a better environment for mothers | Ankita Agrawal | Total Rewards | Allstate India

Allstate IndiaAt Allstate India, we deeply understand the importance of empowering mothers. By supporting them, we not only cultivate a positive work environment but also boost productivity. We prioritize initiatives aimed at championing the well-being of mothers, and we’re proud of it! One such initiative is the ‘Nourish and Nurture Zone’. As part of this initiative, we’ve set-up lactation rooms in our offices, making it a safe, private, and welcoming work environment for new mothers, empowering them to balance their professional and maternal duties effortlessly. Our All-Mama program is yet another initiative that supports the well-being of new and expecting mothers. This program offers extensive support throughout pregnancy and early motherhood, assisting mothers every step of the way. At Allstate India, we believe that motherhood doesn’t hinder your progress; you can be a mom and thrive in your career. We’re not just about business; we’re about building a community that cares for and supports one another, said Ankita Agrawal, Total Rewards, Allstate India