Challenges in Recruitment | Randhir Singh | GM | Mangal Electrical Industries Pvt Ltd | Jaipur

RANDHIR SINGHIn the present era Everybody is facing Challenges during Hiring Process and these Challenges varies from State to State and Region to Region. In same Region/State also have different Challenges based on various factors.

1. Negative Reviews

It has been found that “Negative Reviews” on certain Webpage, Social sites, Feedback from Ex Employees etc are one of the major challenge during Hiring Process.

2. Regional Barriers

Region also plays a major role in Hiring Process . For example In ahmedabad Region it is very easy to attract a Candidate in the area surrounding Sanand but if you go towards Vithalpur then it seems very difficult to attract talent due to lack of Infrastructure,school,college and Medical Facilities.

3. Lack of Role Clarity

Despite having Job Description and Manpower Requistion Form sometimes it has been observed that Interviewer is not Clear about the expectation of Role hence the Direction of Interview gets changed.

4. Lack of skill sets

Due to lack of Knowledge & Skill it has been found that “Bad Recuitment” done which Impact the Organisation Goals due to Pressure of Hiring.

5. Attracting the right job candidates

It has been found that there were 90% irrelvant profiles applied for the particular position. This will be resulted in wasting precious time by going through thousands of applications from candidates.

6.High Attrition

High Attrition in particular Organisation /Unit/Department will be also one of major Challenge in Recruitment.

7. Lack of Engaging with Candidates

Engagement is the process of continually communicating with your candidates and sometimes it happen that Organisation float Offer but due to lack of Continous Engagement,Candidate declined the Offer.

8. Hiring for diversity

In order to have Healthy Demographic hiring became challenge as need to
attract talent from different Regions.

9. Ensuring team collaboration

Hiring process is based on the effective collaboration between executives, hiring managers, recruiters, recruitment marketing professionals, IT experts, etc. Additionally, with more and more people working remotely from different sides of the world, ensuring effective team collaboration is becoming more and more challenging.

10. Lack of Robust selection process

Even though many companies struggle with attracting and engaging high-quality applicants, some still haven’t been able to streamline, simplify and automate their hiring processes.

11. Speed of Hire

It had find that good candidates stay available on the job market for 10 days only.