Saravanan MP

Work-Life Balance Reimagined: Creating Flexibility in the Modern Workplace | Saravanan MP | Director- People Communications & CSR | KONE Elevator India

Saravanan MPIn this demanding and competitive environment of today, individuals often end up prioritizing work over other vital aspects of life. Demanding responsibilities and schedules stemming from job, family, and personal obligations frequently result in individuals feeling overwhelmed and stressed, leaving minimal time or energy for self-care and leisure. Therefore, establishing a balance between work and other life responsibilities is essential to keep one’s health and well- being in check.

In recent times, organizations worldwide have begun prioritizing work-life balance to prevent employee burnout and enhance their overall well-being. KONE India is actively participating in this movement by hosting employee assistance programs and well-being initiatives periodically. Through these programs, the company aims to enlighten and empower employees about the importance of the holistic well-being, as well as to promote best practices for achieving a healthy work-life balance. At KONE India, the culture of prioritizing well-being starts at the top,
with leadership setting the tone. Managers are encouraged to engage in quality discussions with their teams and collaborate on developing personalized well-being plans for each individual.

Consequently, there has been a rise in the adoption of workplace flexibility. By granting employees more autonomy regarding their work schedule, location and methods, organizations can enable them to effectively regulate their time and effort, resulting in enhanced work-life balance and overall contentment.

Flexible workplaces: Enhancing work-life balance

Decreases employee turnover: Enabling employees to adopt flexible schedules increases employee retention. Undoubtedly, flexibility ranks among the top perks sought by workers from their employers. In a Flexjobs survey, 80% of participants expressed that they would exhibit more loyalty to their employer if flexible working arrangements were offered. This adaptability removes the necessity for lengthy commutes and grants employees enhanced command over their schedules. Through flexible work arrangements, individuals can more effectively manage
personal commitments, resulting in a smoother integration of work and personal life.

Increases productivity and engagement: Flexible alternatives not only boost productivity but also the amount of time employees dedicate to work. When employees have the liberty to operate in settings and during periods that align with their requirements, they can concentrate more effectively, innovate and deliver superior-quality work. Additionally, flexible work setups can elevate morale and involvement, resulting in heightened job satisfaction and retention levels. By emphasizing employee welfare and work-life balance, organizations ultimately stand to gain from a workforce that is more motivated, dedicated, and productive. Overall, flexible working arrangements grant workers the independence to devise a schedule that promotes their holistic well-being.

Enhances job satisfaction: By providing individuals increased autonomy and control over their work arrangements, organizations effectively alleviate the stress linked with rigid schedules. Empowering employees to regulate their time and workload reduces the likelihood of experiencing feelings of overwhelm and exhaustion. Consequently, this fosters enhanced mental well-being and heightened levels of job satisfaction among employees. When individuals feel empowered to manage their professional responsibilities in a manner that suits their needs and preferences, they are more likely to derive fulfillment from their work. This increased sense of satisfaction not only benefits individual employees but also contributes to a positive organizational culture.

Reshaping work-life balance

Like various aspects of life, achieving a balance between work and life is challenging. Therefore, companies should strive to establish a culture that fosters autonomy, creativity, and innovation, all while ensuring employees remain dedicated to achieving objectives. Moreover, it is crucial for business leaders to recognize that once balance is attained, it is not a fixed condition but an ongoing journey. It demands adaptability and responsiveness to the changing requirements of both the workforce and the business. As the lines between work and personal life become increasingly blurred, workplace flexibility will persist as a fundamental element of contemporary employment practices, empowering individuals to excel both in their personal and professional pursuits.