Sarita Das

What are the Best Practices for Employee Recognition | Sarita Das | Co-founder & CHRO | 3SC Solution

Sarita DasAs a Human Resource professional with more than two decades of striving to create the best teams for organizations, I firmly believe that employees are the backbone of any organization. During all my tenures, in areas such as the automotive industry, pharmaceutical and medical devices industry, and my current role as the co-founder of a supply chain solution company, I have seen that employee-organization relationships are much more than just onboarding and grievance redressal.

I believe that the key to successful relationships between the employer and employee involves constant communication and effort, and as Human Resource professionals, that is where we must put in the work daily. In all my years, I have seen that if there is a single tool that contributes the greatest to building this relationship, it would have to be employee recognition.

Employee recognition can be a powerful tool for boosting morale, motivation, and productivity. When employees feel appreciated and valued, they are more likely to be engaged in their work and committed to your organization. However, not all recognition programs are created equal. To be effective, recognition should be consistent, personalized, timely, and aligned with your company’s values and goals.

Why Employee Recognition Matters

Recognizing employees is more than just a nice gesture – it is an important part of building a positive workplace culture! When employees feel that their contributions are valued, they are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs and committed to your organization.

On the other hand, a lack of recognition can lead to disengagement, dissatisfaction, and turnover. When employees feel that their work is not appreciated, they may become demotivated and disengaged. This can lead to decreased productivity, poor performance, and increased turnover.

Types of Employee Recognition

There are many different types of recognition that you can offer your employees. Formal recognition programs may include things like awards ceremonies, bonuses, or promotions. Informal recognition can be as simple as saying thank you, offering praise, or giving employees time off.

Tangible or Intangible: Recognition can also be tangible or intangible. Tangible recognition may include things like gift cards or company swag, while intangible recognition can include things like public recognition or a personalized note from a supervisor.

Individual or Collective Effort: Recognition can be given to individuals or teams. While individual recognition can help to build personal connections and boost individual performance, team-based recognition can help to build camaraderie and foster collaboration.

Monetary or non-monetary: recognition can be monetary or non-monetary. While bonuses and other financial incentives can be effective motivators, non-monetary recognition can be just as powerful, at times. A public acknowledgment of a job well done can go a long way in making employees feel valued and appreciated.

Best Practices for Employee Recognition

Now that we’ve explored the different types of recognition, let’s look at some best practices for implementing an effective recognition program:

1. Have a Clear Objective:

Before implementing an employee recognition program, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of why the organization wants to do it. Organizations should have specific objectives, such as improving employee engagement, increasing retention rates, or enhancing overall morale. Defining these objectives will give the recognition program a strong foundation to build on, enabling the organization to design meaningful ways to recognize employees that are aligned with its goals.

2. List the Criteria:

There are many reasons to recognize employees, and organizations should develop a list of criteria that aligns with their objectives. For instance, recognizing employment milestones such as new hires, promotions, work anniversaries, or retirement can be meaningful for employees. Similarly, recognizing significant life events like birthdays, graduations, marriages, or the birth or adoption of a child can also help create a positive work culture. Additionally, recognizing achievements such as peer-to-peer acknowledgment, a job well done, achieving a goal, or driving positive change can help to motivate employees.

3. Ask Your Employees:

Organizations should involve their employees in the process of designing an employee recognition program. HR executives should talk to employees about what types of recognition programs resonate with them and ask for feedback to make sure that recognition programs align with employees’ values. This feedback can help organizations tailor the program to suit their employees’ preferences and capabilities.

4. Implement Your Program:

Implementing an employee recognition program is not difficult if done correctly. A good way to start is by testing a pilot program before opening it up for widespread use. Organizations should also customize the platform to suit their company culture, communicate the purpose of the program, train users on how to use the platform, and get the ball rolling by giving out incentives to recognize others. Providing training for managers and employees on how to give and receive recognition will ensure that recognition is effective and meaningful. Publicly publishing achievements and holding managers accountable by setting specific goals and tracking usage of the platform can help maintain program usage.

5. Measure the Program’s Effectiveness:

To determine if an employee recognition program is meeting its objectives, and improving it in the long run, it is essential to measure its effectiveness regularly. Use technology to facilitate recognition and track progress. There are many tools and platforms available. Organizations can also use employee satisfaction surveys or systems like Employee Net Promoter Scores (eNPS) to measure program effectiveness. Questions about the adequacy, fairness, competitiveness, and appropriateness of rewards, the program’s meaningfulness to employees, and what changes should be made to the program can be covered in surveys.

Tips for Implementing an Effective Recognition Program

Be consistent: Recognition should be consistent and ongoing, not just a one-time event. Regular, consistent recognition can help to build a positive workplace culture and keep employees motivated and engaged.

Personalized recognition: One size does not fit all when it comes to recognition. Personalized recognition that is tailored to the individual can be more meaningful and effective than generic recognition.

Be timely: Recognition should be given promptly, as close to the time of the achievement as possible. This can help to reinforce positive behavior and encourage employees to continue performing at a high level.

Be transparent and fair: Recognition should be transparent and fair, with clear criteria for what constitutes achievement and recognition. This can help to build trust and credibility with employees.

Align recognition with company values and goals: Recognition should be aligned with your company’s values and goals. This can help to reinforce desired behaviors and support your overall business objectives.

Always remember that in the long run, it is easier to be loved, than be feared. A happy and satisfied employee is always an asset, and a more engaged and motivated workforce will always lead to increased productivity, higher job satisfaction, and reduced employee turnover.

By keeping in mind the practices outlined in this article, I hope you can create a recognition program for your organization or business that is consistent, personalized, timely, transparent, and aligned with your company’s values and goals. Remember that recognition can take many forms, from formal awards ceremonies to informal thank-you notes. The key is to make recognition a regular part of your organizational culture and to ensure that it is meaningful and relevant to your employees. I encourage all companies to prioritize employee recognition and implement best practices in this area..