The People Management

The People Management | December 2022

The People management June 2022

Like virtually every other function, the Human Resources role has changed tremendously over the years, mainly due to increasing presence of technology in business routines. Today, HR has increasingly involved technology in its functions – From recruiting new talent to digital admission and routine human resources

The People ManagementBusiness leaders continue to face the challenging task of managing changes in operating business models, mental health, employee fatigue and the VUCA environment. The role of HR has rapidly shifted from basic administrative and employee champion initiatives to influencing, decision making, and creating alignment between company strategy and the workforce.

The need for strong soft leadership skills is increasing, and as companies become more global and diverse, succession planning must remain a top priority.

Is the trend of CHROs transitioning to CEOs starting to pick up? Only time will tell. Stories of CHROs becoming CEOs are on the rise, as CHROs have the much-needed skills needed for today’s CEOs. Of course, not every CHRO is suited to be a CEO, but for those who have the right mix of skills and experience, becoming a CEO is a real possibility. HR careers should not be pegged to just being a coach and confidant to CEOs. Lets’ pass the baton.

For this transition to happen successfully, CEOs need to a) Conquer the Bias b) Establish hybrid HR Career Development c) Develop a solid Succession Management strategy d) Plan well ahead of time & e) Own your Ambition.

Our team at is working tirelessly to share Articles, Viewpoints, Latest updates, HR Tips & Suggestions, Insights from various thought leaders etc. on a wide range of contemporary topics.

As 2022 soon draws to a close, we are happy to bring to you the December-22 edition to take a pause & reflect on all that we have been through & also, look ahead with optimism.

Here’s wishing all our patrons & readers, every success in pursuing the universal goal of eliminating ignorance in every sphere of life by pursuing knowledge. .

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