Nisha Kumari

The future of HR will be defined by a blended workforce | Nisha Kumari | MD | Learnbay

Nisha KumariIndeed, the ‘job landscape’ has changed tremendously in the past few years. The emergence of external threats and underlying shifts have undoubtedly led to a remarkable reshaping (blended workforce) of the labor market. The combined workforce strategy was tough to concentrate on until the dust settled. To refresh the incidents, the Covid-19 pandemic played a significant role in transforming the workplace settings – A ‘new normal work culture’ was born.

Since the world is moving towards an inclusive workplace culture, the intent of having a blended workforce thrives around. Globally, over 40% of companies appreciate blended teams from diverse backgrounds and expertise. But from an HR perspective, ‘Is it feasible for the hiring companies to have a blended workforce?’

Hiring and retaining a blended workforce needs a strategically planned staffing model. Currently, the staffing model concentrates on the hybrid work culture that includes office-based and remote-based team workers. Imagining the post-pandemic labor market brings a flashback to the skills gap, burdening costs, and talent shortage. But all thanks to digitalization and automation as a helping hand to HR teams in reaching the natural talents. Collaboration with hiring agencies fastens allocating talents with the required skills.

“Blended workforce strategy paving the way toward a future of HR with more scalable operations.”

No wonder hiring for a blended working team is feasible for HRs if a proven staffing model is implemented. More reach toward the diversified talents forms a mix of freelancers, contingent workers, part-time staff, full-time, contractual roles, and consultants. The future of HR concentrates on having a cost-effective staffing model that ensures a profit-driven talent pool. The staffing process, limited to full-time hiring, faced skills gaps, lingering hiring processes, unethical hiring practices, and many more challenges. Now, hiring companies inclined to blended working teams can have personalized use of skills and expertise of the talents.

Organizational Change with a Blended Workforce

A proven organizational change encountered with a blended workforce is cultural shifts. If blended working teams are present, it is anticipated that a more competitive working culture will be established within the organizations. HRs must rethink their strategic plans to make them more responsible and prone to the latest changes.

Organizations will have to look for sourcing and retaining talent in a blended workforce setting. Plus, the organizational goals must abide by short-term and long-term plans. From employment contracts to onboarding practices, everything has to go through a transformation. To get fit in a bigger picture, the organizational change has to reconsider –

● Purpose
● Value
● Culture

Dynamic changes in the organizational culture will have to incorporate metrics of sustainable growth and success that will deliver optimum values to the firm and teams. In short, a blended workforce strategy focuses on human-capital investments over the traditional staffing strategy.

Inclusiveness – A new-age workforce form

The future of HR sees a transforming tomorrow with diversity and inclusion as two significant carriers. Through the lens of a blended workforce, leaders focus on building an inclusive setup for full-time and freelancers or part-time ones. The talent marketplace needs dynamic changes and inclusiveness to leverage success rates. The prevailing skills gap and talent shortage stop at a blended workforce as it creates room for togetherness for diversified talents.

Uninspired freelancers get the stage of active recognition, and full-time teams find a way to lessen the burden of tasks. Employee engagement is an outcome of inclusiveness that settles the score for the new-age workforce. Undoubtedly, the future of HR brings an inclusive yet more satisfying culture.

Rise of a Blended Workforce – Values Delivered.

The future of HR is undoubtedly defined by a blended workforce and the core values delivered to assure the statement. They are –

● Larger approach talent pools
● Industry leadership established with proven skills irrespective of seniority level of employment
● Blended workforce prototype accelerating seamless processes and product
● Fresh ideas, creativity, and innovations reshaping the organiivityzational growth trend

No wonder a blended workforce delivers sustainable values. But on the contrary side, a note must be made that the firm must be readily available to tackle disengagement if the staffing model fails. The future of HR depends on the capabilities of the HR team; any loophole can misalign the working patterns with organizational goals.

Finally, embracing a visionary approach set by a blended workforce strategy will be truly appreciated. The combined workforce redefines the future of HR and focuses more on trending skills to stay ahead of the curve. The more you are upskilled, the better it defines your career perspective.