Campus Placement

Smart Tips For Campus Placement | Aparna Sharma | Consulting Editor | The People Management

Campus PlacementCampus placements are an integral part of a student’s life. After completing a degree, the next important step is to participate in the campus placements and land the job of your dreams. But the interviewing process can be intimidating and overwhelming at times. Many times, the pressure of cracking the interview overpowers your skills and subject knowledge. In order to help students prepare well for their campus placement interviews, here are few handy tips. Let’s get started!

Tip 1: Research, Research, & Research

Gather as much information as possible about the company of your choice. Browse the Internet, acquaint yourself with its mission, vision, and the way it hires staff. Try to read customer reviews. This will give you an idea about its position in the market.

Tip 2: Prepare a Strong Resume

Campus placements relieve you from the stress of filling up lengthy applications. All you need is a well-worded resume. It should be brief and clear. Use the words given in the company’s job description. And do not forget to highlight your skills. This way, you will explain why the firm should hire you.

Tip 3: Give Utmost Attention To Your Company’s Presentation about Itself

When a firm visits your campus for placement, it will give a presentation about itself. Stay attentive to it. The interviewer may ask you questions based on it. You also have an opportunity to learn as much as possible about the organization.

Tip 4: Attend Mock Interviews

This is done so as to prepare you for the real interview. Participate in as many as possible. If the university or college fails here, you can take the initiative.

Tip 5: Include a Cover Letter
A cover letter attached to your resume declares that you take the process seriously. It should contain the following information:

 Why you have applied for the job
 The reasons why you are the right candidate for the job
 What you know about the company in question

Try to find out more about the person interviewing you. Doing this helps you customize your cover letter in such a way to attract his/her attention.

Tip 6: Stay Updated
The interview panel of an organization will definitely be looking forward to well-informed candidates. Browse the news portal in its field. Absorb as much information as possible. Doing this creates the impression that you live in the present. And you know topical events.

Tip 7: Be Punctual
Punctuality is something all organizations look forward to in their staff. Try to reach the venue of your interview at least 30 minutes earlier. Doing so sets you up as someone who values punctuality. You will also get enough time to brush up your notes.

Tip 8: Appear Presentable
Wear clean, well-ironed clothes. Keep your nails properly trimmed and clean. Polish your shoes. This way, you create the impression that you care about your appearance.

Tip 9: Avoid the Mistakes Job Aspirants Always Commit
Don’t appear casual. Don’t let your anxiety control you. Avoid chewing your pencil. And don’t appear over-confident.

Tip 10: Affirm Your Commitment
Let your interviewer know that you are willing to commit yourself for the job. For that, you should give the utmost priority to long-term plans. Know that lack of commitment is a waste of resources for an organization. And if you don’t appear committed enough, you are not going to be hired.

Tip 11: Have a Well-Planned Beginning & Ending
The beginning and ending of everything deserve the utmost importance in life. Attending an interview is not an exception. A good beginning creates the impression that you are a job aspirant they can bank on. A good ending confirms your position among the hundreds of applicants. Prepare it in such a way that it creates a lasting
impression on the interviewer.

Tip 12: Do You Know Your Weakness?
You may have a long list at hand. But presenting them before your interviewer is a tricky job. Rehearse this well.

Tip 13: Inquire About the Organization
Your interviewer may give you an opportunity to ask questions. When doing so, don’t focus too much on what you will get. Instead, give priority to the organization’s growth plans. This way, you will present yourself as a reliable candidate.