Shruthi J Mayur

New-age Work Environment: How to Build a more Inclusive Workplace | Shruthi J Mayur | Chairperson- MBA HRM Program | TAPMI

Shruthi J MayurThe evolving nature of workplaces have compelled organisations to reconsider many of their policies to accommodate the demands and desires of the workforce. A workplace that transcends mere diversity metrics, focussing on establishing an environment where individuals, irrespective of their backgrounds, identities, or distinctions, experience a sense of welcome, acceptance, and value can truly be regarded as an inclusive workplace. These inclusive surroundings nurture a feeling of belonging, ensuring that each employee is offered an equal opportunity to make valuable contributions to the success of self and the organization.

Building an inclusive workplace in the new-age work environment starts with understanding the needs of this new-age work environment and then placing the bricks of an inclusive environment with care and diligence. The sensitivity of some of the issues call for this care and diligence so as to not make employees feel “different” in any way. The 6 elements that organizations must weave into their workplace canvas are:

● Diversity and Representation: An inclusive work environment must embrace diversity by actively seeking and valuing individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, and identities. This includes but is not limited to aspects such as race, gender, age, sexual orientation, abilities, and cultural backgrounds. Representation at all levels of the organization reflects a commitment to inclusivity.

● Equal Opportunity and Accessibility: Inclusivity must ensure that all employees have equal access to opportunities, resources, and career advancement. Policies and practices should be designed to eliminate biases and provide a level playing field for individuals with varying abilities, skills, and experiences.

● Leadership Commitment and Accountability: Leadership plays a pivotal role in fostering an inclusive culture. When leaders are committed to diversity and inclusion, it sets the tone for the entire organization. This involves not only promoting inclusive policies but also holding individuals accountable for their actions and ensuring that diversity and inclusion goals are integrated into the overall organizational strategy.

● Continuous Learning and Development: Inclusive workplaces should prioritize continuous learning and development opportunities for all employees. This includes training programs that raise awareness about diversity and inclusion, promote cultural competence, and address unconscious biases. Learning initiatives contribute to a more informed and aware workforce.

● Open Communication and Respect: The workplace must foster an environment where open communication is encouraged, and all employees feel heard and respected. This involves active listening, valuing diverse opinions, and creating channels for employees to express themselves without fear of discrimination or reprisal.

● Flexible Work Policies: In its true sense, inclusivity acknowledges the diverse needs of employees and supports flexibility in work arrangements such as options for remote work, flexible hours, and other accommodations that enable individuals to balance their work responsibilities with personal commitments and preferences.

In summary, echoing the words of Stephen Covey, who emphasizes that “Strength lies in differences, not in similarities,” an organization’s resilience and effectiveness stem from its genuine embrace of diversity. It goes beyond being a mere checkbox on a list; true strength emerges when diversity is wholeheartedly embraced in all aspects, contributing to the organization’s journey towards progress.