
Fostering Inclusion Beyond Limits, Godrej DEi Lab Breaks New Ground with Disability Inclusion

GodrejGodrej Industries, today, successfully concluded ‘PwD Inclusion in Workplaces: Strategies for Success’, an event that brought together HR and DEI professionals, corporate leaders, business school students, and advocates working towards advancing the inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (PwD) in society.

The interactive forum was a collaborative effort between Godrej DEi Lab and industry leaders from Keshav Suri Foundation, Access for All, Youth 4 Jobs, and Mann – Center for Individuals with Special Needs. The event featured luminaries such as Vineet Saraiwala, Founder at Atypical Advantage, Anita Sharma, Founder at Drive on My Own Foundation, Vinaya Chinnappa, CEO at Incluzza, Akshay Tyagi, Head of DEI at The Lalit Suri Hospitality Group and Founding Member at Keshav Suri Foundation, and Siddhant Shah, Co-founder at Access for ALL, engaging in a thought-provoking discussion with Maira, DEI Lead at Godrej Capital, that resulted in crucial insights and shed light on specific strategies to foster a more inclusive environment for persons with disabilities within their organizations.

Parmesh Shahani, Head of Godrej DEi Lab, expressed the importance of such initiatives, stating, “Disability inclusion is an integral part of creating diverse and equitable workplaces. ‘PwD Inclusion in Workplaces: Strategies for Success’ aimed to provide practical insights, strategies, and advice that can be implemented immediately to foster disability inclusion in corporate India.”

Maira, DEI Lead at Godrej Capital, shared her perspective on the event, saying, “Inclusivity is a journey, and ‘PwD Inclusion in Workplaces: Strategies for Success’ is a crucial milestone in Godrej’s commitment to fostering diversity and equity. The forum not only highlighted the challenges faced by persons with disabilities in corporate India but also provided actionable steps for creating an inclusive culture.”

The event emphasized Godrej DEi Lab’s dedication to sparking meaningful conversations and creating tangible change within corporate India.