Anjali Nigam

Challenges for Female Business Leaders | Dr Anjali Nigam | CEO & Founder Director | WhiteSwan Consulting Group WCG | President – Gender Equality, (UNSDG5) | Indo American Center Women For India

Anjali Nigam

It is the learner who inherits the future, while the learned lives in a world that no longer exists’…says Eric Hofer. Nothing could be more true in today’s volatile dynamic business environment!

The Chinese symbol of ‘change’ that has two signs, one depicting danger and the other opportunity… is again a choice with us.

I believe Women Business Leaders would definitely take the other interpretation of the word ‘Change’ I.e. opportunity! Her steel & grit, the persistent effort, the emotional strength all add up to a woman’s choice for taking any challenge & change head-on!

I as a Woman, do not have the word ‘Impossible ‘ in my dictionary.

The national and international business environment has really warmed up to ‘Her’. The internal and external business and socio economic environments are now so conducive for a ‘Woman Business Leader’…the only hitch that could bring her down is her own mental paradigm. I believe ‘Her Self Belief’ and a ‘Strong Value System’ coupled with her ‘Faith in her own capabilities’ and ‘continuous brushing up her competitive prowess’…by way of honing the desired skills for her Business, is pertinent. But learning today, the skills that may be required tomorrow, will be the decider, as to who makes the ‘kill’! Carving a ‘Niche’ for herself and her skills would be another good idea.

I believe in creating my ‘Own Blue Ocean’ where i have my own playing field to prove my mettle! Rather than a ‘Blood Bath in a Red Ocean’.

Keeping abreast, is important, but keeping ahead will enable her to beat the competition, before it starts and stay on Top.

I would like to conclude, creating or enabling an ecosystem through her work that is ‘Value based’ and works towards ‘Better Worldliness’ will always prove to be the WINNER!