Amit Chincholikar

What HR says on International HR Day 2024?

Amit ChincholikarAmit Chincholikar | CHRO | Yokohama Off – Highway Tires – “At Yokohama, we’re committed to leverage the power of our people to deliver meaningful solutions for our customers, stakeholders and communities. We understand the pivotal role that human capital plays in driving inclusive growth. Our focus is on fostering a progressive and dynamic culture – one that nurtures a workforce that is future focused. This forward-looking strategy isn’t just about incorporating cutting-edge tools; it’s about fundamentally redefining our workplaces and practices to be more innovative, inclusive, technology enabled and path breaking. By leading these advancements, we’re committed to creating environments where our colleagues and teams are empowered to excel, challenged to innovate. We are committed to build a future powered by our human capital – one that offers with a world of opportunities and a sustainable ecosystem for everyone.”


Sumit Kumar | Chief Strategy Officer | TeamLease Degree Apprenticeship, explained – “On HR Day, it’s important to acknowledge the evolving role of HR professionals which is no longer confined to basic administrative tasks, HR now plays a strategic and business-centric role, essential for preparing organizations for the future. HR professionals are the linchpin in developing a future-ready talent pool, crucial for companies to thrive in a competitive landscape.”

“In today’s technological era, HR faces the challenge of building teams of skilled professionals capable of competing with advanced AI models. Their focus is on fostering synergy through a Tripartite Agreement model, which brings together industry, academia, and the youth. This collaboration ensures that the workforce is equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge, making the organization resilient and innovative in the face of technological advancements.” added Mr. Sumit.