Jaibir Nihal Singh

What Strategies Can Employers Employ for Background Screening in the Context of Remote Work? Jaibir Nihal Singh| Co-founder | TraqCheck

Jaibir Nihal SinghPost the onset of the New Year, remote work trends still occupy its space in the evolving sphere of employment with constant endeavors to undertake background screening. With the trend already in place and well adapted by all the stakeholders of the industry, it is of utmost importance to design a blueprint of strategies that could be implemented at all levels of remote hiring. Human resource professionals are working to draft policies that explore a thorough background screening process while embracing the flexibility of remote work.

Navigating the Past: Employment History
Employment verification is one of the vital basics of the background screening process. This can be challenging at times when the past employers are non-traceable or have shut their operations permanently. The journey involves interpreting start and end times, reasons for leaving, and contact with previous employers who might be challenging to reach.

Degrees of Deception: Unaccredited International Schools
In an attempt to make the personal profile unique in comparison to other competing candidates, potential candidates may put forth degrees from international schools that either lack accreditation or might exist only virtually. To check the legitimacy of the offering, quickly look out for contact information for verification. Alarmingly, it is observed that this step is generally skipped by professionals while hiring domestic candidates, proving the scope of discrepancy.

Guarding the Gate: The Power of Thorough Verification
Thorough verification acts as a shield against fraudulent candidates slipping through the screening process. The overall strategy aids in the process of eliminating profiles that have fabricated backgrounds. Diligent checks on academic credentials, employment history, and other crucial details are required.

Striking the Balance: Tailoring for Job Roles
The background screening should be altered in sync with the job role. A financial role may demand meticulous credit history and license checks, while a creative position prioritizes portfolio verification and references. The personalized approach gives credibility and hence, does not dilute authenticity.

Remote Work’s Meteoric Rise: A 140% Surge in 15 Years
Remote work is penetrating its roots deeply within the industry, with a shocking 140% growth in remote hires over the past 15 years. The trend is growing in popularity with an element of concern called ‘moonlighting.’ This enables the employees to be in 2 or more parallel boats at the same time to gain financial stability with growing apprehensions related to data security and employee loyalty.

Legal Echoes in Cyberspace: FCRA Regulations for Remote Hires
Remote hiring is regulated by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) regulations. The enterprise has to consider the limitations that are imposed by the state borders. Employers must route the legal complexities of both their state and the new hire’s state, conducting background checks that comply with federal and state laws.

Virtual Interviews and Digital Vigilance: Adapting to Remote Screening
The current industry calls for innovative screening methods. Employers must embrace virtual interviews, remote document verification, and online reference checks. Clear communications have to be made from the beginning to set the expectations and make the understanding crystal clear to justify the remote screening requirements promptly.

Navigating the Digital Maze: Choosing the Right Screening Platforms
Efficient and effective screening is the pathway that can drive the road to success. Employers need to incorporate thorough research to choose the platform from the plethora of choices that the tech world has to offer. Primary points for consideration include data security, user-friendliness, integration capabilities, reliable customer support, and cost-effectiveness. Trial periods can be leveraged to find the perfect fit for specific screening needs.

Peeling Back Layers: Criminal Records and Substance History Checks
It is the opportunity to wave off the potential risks that one can bring along. Risk assessments undertaken by employers aid in uncovering criminal archives and pasts of substance abuse, authorizing them to make knowledgeable decisions about potential hires.

In conclusion, the remote work era demands a reimagining of traditional background screening methods. Employers, armed with adaptability, thoroughness, and technological prowess, can navigate the complexities of remote hiring while safeguarding their organizations from potential pitfalls. In this ever-evolving landscape, staying ahead requires a blend of innovation, diligence, and a commitment to building a remote workforce that stands the test of scrutiny.