The People Management

The People Management – June 2024

The People management June 2022

The Coveted Trio – CHRO, CEO & CFO & Demanding Role of Parents in Higher Education.

The positive impact of Diversity & Inclusion is profound.

The People Management As the business environment becomes more competitive and digital disruption continues, organizations have become more team-centric, networked, and agile.

Senior leaders now realize that they must move beyond their functional roles and operate as a team. They can’t afford to work in silos in today’s complex, dynamic environment. The goal is to act as a symphony of experts playing in harmony—instead of a cacophony of experts who sound great alone, but not together.

CEO and CFO dynamics are often talks of the C-table meetings where the CEO heavily relies upon the strategic and financial knowledge of the CFO. Usually, the line between CEO and CFO role is clearly defined – CEOs have to utterly trust the financial decision-making strategies of the CFOs – wholeheartedly.

Unfortunately, mostly, the third side of the C-suite triangle is ignored – CHRO, aka Chief Human Resource Officer. And, the responsibility line between the CHRO and CEO relationships is like a foggy day where no one knows which path is correct?

Often CEOs and CFOs are only considered as the prime members of the C-level executive club. There is a very common reason behind CHROs downgraded role; most CEOs have held significant roles in sales, finance, marketing, and other operational departments. Thus, there’s a heavy chance that they have also managed the HR department at some point in their career. So, CEOs don’t hesitate to fancy themselves as HR proficients and well versed at identifying talent. Now, some CEOs do ace in this, but the majority of them don’t.

I’m not saying this as an HR professional, but as a digital trend follower that – if companies want to win the
talent war and retention rate fight, they have to reserve a seat for the CHRO at the C-table.

With the Companies Act 2013 and the digital trends, the board has to play a prominent role in human capital development. Thus, the bonding between CEOs, CFOs, and CHROs needs to be stronger than before to tackle various emerging situations such as – Futuristic Job nature, new Talent War, Brand Protection etc. On a different note, the society that we live in has high regard for academic excellence. Those who fail to meet up to the expectations often face harsh criticism which creates self-doubts about their abilities and intelligence. With a cut-throat competitive world out there, students are constantly pushed to the edge by their parents to build a bright future and succeed in life. However, the enormous pressure on the students not only hinders their growth and learning but leads to increased stress and anxiety.

The future of a child is the biggest concern to a parent. Since the educational institutes in our country are always on the lookout for the brightest and best students to maintain their reputation, parents feel compelled to raise the bar too high for their children to match up to the standards. Parents nowadays are too concerned about how the world would perceive their children which in turn results in parental pressure. The idea of excellence and success is often generalised by parents based on how others are performing. Apart from academics, children are also bogged down by rising expectations in various areas where they have their own interests like sports, music, arts, etc. Hence, without giving care to the wholesome development of a child, parents keep on pushing the boundaries that ultimately leads to stress, disappointment, anxiety and suicides.

On top of that, there is high competition against peers to perform better and outscore. From school-level to high school life to getting admission to tertiary institutions, students experience academic stress every step of their way. Undeniably, the constant academic stress takes a toll on the mental health of the students. Similar to teachers, parents have a key role to play in reducing the stress among the students.In this age where a decimal point can be a deciding factor in one’s life, there is a dire need to address the issues of parenting expectations and academic stress.

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Stay Safe, Healthy & Ahead of the game – Happy Reading & Learning in 2024!

Aparna Sharm

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