
Stop Employees from Misusing Company Property

TerminationIt is very important for HR, Business and Departmental Heads to watch the activities of their team members. Ensure members are not misusing organisation’s property for their personal use i.e. watching movies or playing games on laptops/ mobiles, printing and photocopying personal documents, even chatting with colleagues for long hours etc.

Here are few quick tips to say “NO”

1) There needs to be clear professional boundaries hence, quickly inform and start with a warning!

2) Be timely and deal with issues as they arise without any delay

2) Move to disciplinary action based on your company’s policies.

3) Consult your HR department if needed

Termination Duties -Worst part of HR Role

Termination requires a high level of legal care, to avoid clashes and disputes afterward. Interests of both the employer and the employee must be taken into account during the termination process, to enable a smooth transition for everyone involved. HR professionals rarely make a decision to fire anybody. In most organizations, the decision to fire an employee is made by a supervisor or manager. An employee’s termination at work can happen for multiple reasons, but regardless of cause the HR role in the termination process is essential and non-negotiable. A part of the HR role in the termination process is to communicate consistently with the employee:-

1. Right from the hiring stage, ensure that you contact employees regularly and check in on their time at the company
2. When a problem is registered, get a clear understanding of the issue and then schedule a meeting with the employee
3. Discuss the issue and gather insight on the employee’s issue on the matter
4. Determine a corrective course of action and set milestones to track progress
5. Meet with the employee and track the employee performance update or mandated behavioral changes
6. If the employee is not able to match up to the expectations of the organization, have an honest conversation about alternatives—working in a different position, demotion, additional training hours, or eventual termination
7. Do not use abusive, accusatory language and only focus on the mismatch between the employee and the employer
8. Provide a clear timeline of the employee termination and reiterate the employee termination policy—if they are eligible for a severance package according to their contract, this should be explained as well
9. Ensure the news of the termination comes from human resources and not colleagues or gossip around the office
10. Assist the employee in the handover process and offboarding requirements of the organization—any security clearances might have to be revoked and sensitive material collected from them
11. Conduct an exit interview to gather feedback and try to ensure the employee leaves on good terms

Handle the Tricky Question “Why did you Leave your last Job?”

This is a very popular question in most of the interviews and there are many reasons that an interviewer asks in a job interview- “Why did you leave your last job?” Reasons may be a long commute, toxic work culture, bad boss, work pressure and many more reasons. What matters is how you frame the answer?

1) If you have been laid off or pink-slipped, do not lie about it. The world is small, and people in the business are aware of the happenings in their industry.

2) Be upfront, honest, and give a good review of your experience in the organization. This creates a good impression about you that in spite of the loss of employment you have a positive takeaway of what all you learned there.

3) Talk of the new technology or tools or processes that the company has adopted and which you are eager to work in or gain experience in handling.

4) keep your response as short as possible, and focus the attention on what you have achieved so far, and what you can contribute to the company’s holistic growth