Role of Artificial Intelligence in higher education in India | Sinzy Silvester | Program – Head | BCA | IFIM College
Artificial Intelligence encroached into education system before pandemic in the form of Hi google, ‘Cortana’ by Windows, and ‘Siri’ by Apple as the use of mobile is extensive in India. A real life example which helps students 24/7 is socrati by google LLC has AI integrated in it in the form of image to text service, which helps students answer and solve problems . Yet we have not reached to an extent in which robotic teachers replaced teachers in class. The primary intention of AI in education is not to replace teachers but give them helping hands in understanding the potential and limitations of each student. But it has certainly entered to various processes of educational institutions like student acquisition personalization of enrollment process, academic operations using various tools such as document recognition, chatbots, SOP Grading etc, reminders using automated messages such
as push notification ,emails which will help increase students’ engagement in the class.
Pandemic has increased the number of online classes and hence online evaluation. Online proctoring and learning requires implementation of AI to make it more effective. In addition to these AI can be used to improve the quality in administration and decision making area of education as well like the one implemented in Andra Pradesh An application based on Machine learning technology collected and analyzed the data of students related to various dynamics such as academic performance, the reason for school dropouts, quality, and skills of teachers, social demographics, gender, etc. This application has found predictive patterns such as probable students who would drop out in the academic year of 2018-2019. These types of analysis may help in taking decision to improve
education system in India.
Self paced progress, personalized learning and pedagogical improvement are the instructional area which can be improved using AI. Individual students differs in their ability to grasp, memorize and learn hence there is a need for providing separate attention for each student to fulfill their needs which is impossible for a
single teacher this is where AI can be incorporated as teacher’s assistant to provide support for individual students to find out their strength and weaknesses .
A true Human –AI collaboration will result in powerful combination of skills which will help in better learning and dissemination of knowledge .The next generation to be trained by providing focus on skills where AI is less likely to have an advantage such as complex decision making critical thinking entrepreneurship and emotional intelligence that will help them to live and work with AI. In Future we may find robots with AI walking talking alongside with students and teachers during their studies which may further enhance education system and research.