Shradha Subramanium

Power of Intuition, energy work, and business coaching | Shraddha Subramanian | Intuition Expert & Founder | Sparkling Soul

Shradha SubramaniumLeadership is an opportunity for creating a lasting impact on teams, organisation and to the world at large. There are important elements that a leader must focus upon for building themselves and the teams they work with.

The most important element of a leader’s success is their energy and intuitions. The energy that a leader shows up with creates massive impact on how he/she comes across their world. Working on the energy is a vital aspect of leaders growth. Energy is an outcome of one’s emotional state.

Energy map is a great tool to identify the energy levels during the day. Mapping energy levels every hour as high, low, very high, very low and medium gives an opportunity to understand what actually contributes to high, low energy levels (or emotional levels) . This also provides a great insight about what kind of thoughts, people and situations a leader is dealing with at a given point in time and what is his/ her language and listening about the same. This awareness is a huge step towards mastering the energy as they can eliminate low energy zones by dealing with it better and replicate high energy zones by finding opportunities to tune into it. They can focus on working on high energy provider tasks and delegate low energy ones to others if possible.

The 3 important factors that guide leaders to be in the high energy zone are

1. Speak The Truth – Authenticity is the key to a leader’s success. They show up as who they are and they always invest in themselves to be their true selves all the time.

2. Do What You Say – Successful business leaders know the power of words as words cast a spell. They understand how confidently they show up when a statement mentioned by them is fulfilled all time, every time. Their conversations are full of consciousness. They are full of energy to show up as they have fulfilled what they committed to. They do what they say !

3. Set Boundaries – They are very comfortable to give “NO” as an answer. They protect their productive times and have clear boundaries around time, people and their precious focus.

Power of Intuitions
Intuitions are your internal navigation system to guide leaders towards the best decisions. There are two ways to make decisions. One through statistics which includes market research, past experiences and other statistics, and other is through intuitions as this internal navigation system is the only one which takes into account the leader as a decision maker who is what he/she is in this moment and not how he/she was in the past as that person doesn’t exist today.

Leaders are creative only when they are in great energy zone. High energy zones are the greatest contributors for a leader’s intuitions. They always get great awareness, insights and ideas when they are in high energy zone. All access to different resources always feels available in the high energy zone. That is the zone of creation, zone to experience the power of intuitions.

Decision making is an important skills for the leaders and mastering it may seem a task. Using the energy map and tapping into intuitions leaders can be a master in decision making for leading to much greater outcomes than expected. Tapping into intuitions is like fast tracking the journey to success with a lot of ease.

The energy map and power intuitions is the greatest, easiest and most successful way for business leaders to command their place and contribute towards immense growth.