Ashok Thussu and Sandeep Nagpal

LMI – Bridging the gap between knowing and doing | Ashok Thussu and Sandeep Nagpal | Head the LMI in South Asia operations

Ashok Thussu and Sandeep Nagpal

As people traverse from a younger age to an older one, they come across a huge amount of knowledge and experiences. No matter what stage of the ascent you are in life, you will have formed habits, mindsets, opinions and beliefs, all of which you hold true. Some of these work for you, and some of the mindset and beliefs works against you! Set pathways emerge and as you trudge on these you forget to lead yourself to your potential.

A kind of tunnel vision develops where you focus on the next step of the staircase, today, tomorrow, the week after, perhaps a month; or focus on the next landing of just a year ahead. These set shuttered patterns limit your potential.

Few people do break out of mere existence and LEAD themselves to greater attainments, the rest surrender to circumstances and current mindsets. One thing is common in those who breakout – they have crystallised and developed a valid Personal Vision and Mission and set goals for attainment in that direction to pursue and attain their potential.

The fact is that all of us can lead ourselves to our potential. Perhaps we have fears, anxieties, lack of self-belief, cramped by circumstances yet mostly it is due to not having a structured process – the method- and the know-how of what to do and how to do it. At LMI we have worked with millions of people worldwide, tens of thousands in India, and have helped them breakout into their pathways of potential, with results and attainments to show the proof of the pudding! Often surprising themselves and their organisations as they excitedly see things happen.

Knowledge is not usually the gap. Today knowledge is at a dime a dozen. Look up the internet, ask Chat GPT. Freely available. Yet the gap between knowing and doing becomes the barrier. One can, for example, read all about playing cricket, watch dozens of videos each on batting, bowling and fielding. Will that help go out and get a century in their first game? They will be bowled out in the nets for sure!

Competence is thus the next dimension. What really happens to people is that whichever circumstances they face they naturally reach out and strive to become competent in one or more critical aspects, which is fair enough. But as they reach a base level of competence they stop striving for more as they feel they have adequate competence. ADEQUATE is always LOWER than potential! Adequate never provides you the slight edge!

Adequate levels result in mediocrity which is the main enemy of potential. Mastery is the pathway to potential. Imagine if you slide your adequate level to that of mastery what would happen. Avenues would open, job satisfaction, you get noticed, growth pathways emerge.

Most training programs are inadequate to handle these perspectives. L&D implies two diverse needs, learning and development. Yet most companies invest in Learning and do little on the Development aspect. L&D spends are skewed 80% into the trainings arena, one day, two days maybe good ideas and trainers, yet this transactional model lacks the application agenda. The DOING is not done, ideas not used, only awareness and some knowledge delivered, quickly forgotten too.

LMI is not a training company, we are a development company. Development implies change. This change starts first with your mindset, without thinking different no change is possible. It is a precursor to behaviour change. Once behaviour changes, that is how you act differently, then automatically the results change, to the better. Superior to potential attainments emerge.

Also critical is motivation to change. Motivation in the sense of development must be internal and fuelled by internal desire, this fire in the belly propels surely and constantly. Finally, all this must ultimately reflect as better than normal attainments, results, outcomes – both in personal areas of life and professional ones.

Most people do not have a crystallised PERSONAL Vision and spelt out Mission of life. That exciting dream within you (passion), aligned with your professional pursuit, founded on your strengths and well-articulated into various future attainments. Potential actually is a future desired state you pursue.

Leadership Management International (LMI) has worked with over 2 million people, in over 90 countries, using 26 different language versions, providing avenues of personal and performance enhancements, with visible and measurable better than normal results by the time our coaching interventions are completed. Mostly done in group coaching environments that also help break silos besides producing better leaders. LMI is a pathway to your

For our clients these provide better functioning leaders who take greater ownership, personally efficient and effective role models working at peak performance levels. They do more in less time and in an easier manner as they add smart work to their hard work. Notable is also the money terms ROI and value add our clients get which is many times over their investment.

To all leaders who are reading this, pause here and ask yourself these questions:

1. Have I personally reached my potential? Or Is there much more that I desire?
2. Do I have a crystallised picture of what attaining my potential would look like?
3. Do I have a desire to move up from the ordinary to levels of mastery?
4. Do I have the Knowhow of what to do and how to do to reach my potential?

In today’s world the hunger to read up things, see things is insatiable and just reflects an inner urge to know more and perhaps do more, apart from of course curiosity! Yet most things you encounter end up in just providing knowledge; Podcasts, Webinars, Books, 1–2-day trainings, Lectures, PowerPoints, Surfing the internet, Chat GPT asks and all such – just dish up more and more Knowledge. DOING is different. It is the critical other half beyond

The LMI process is unique; it has Ahas, it has a very strong repository of time proven ideas of what to do to work smart, it has the critical how-to-do aspects covered, it brings in LMI certified coaches who help you move out of comfort zones, it has a process that helps, makes, you apply learnings, it has tools to help you pinpoint block points within you – root causes that hold you back, and the facilitation helps you build desire and motivation.

Yes, it bridges the gap between knowing and doing very effectively.