Mitu Paul

“How do working people can take care of their dogs?” | Mitu Paul | Brand Head | Premium lines, Drools Pet Care.

Mitu PaulHaving a furry (or not so furry) friend brings joy, fun, and lots of “pawfect” moments. But now with old normal returning and more and more of corporate lot going back to office working, it comes with the classic question of what to do with the dog while at work. Starting a new job or relocating for work can cause dog owners to think more intentionally about how to keep their dog entertained while at work. After all, dogs are family. Leaving the dog home alone while at work can be difficult for dog owners. Happy to share some of these tips will help keep your pup relaxed, happy, and entertained as you crush it on the job.

Make Their Space Comfortable

Just like humans, dogs love to be cozy and comfortable at home. Making a dog’s space comfortable helps them feel more relaxed while home alone, something many dogs with separation anxiety struggle with.

Whether their space is a crate, bedroom, backyard, or entire house, give your dog a special space full of things they enjoy. Try leaving out clothes you’ve worn. Dogs recognize your scent and love having their clothes nearby. Also, be sure to include something soft, such as a blanket or plush dog bed that your dog can curl up on. You can also add a variety of their favourite toys to play with in the space. Pay attention to the toys your dog is always playing with and spread them out throughout their space. It’s important to avoid leaving out any toys that your dog may be able to chew through and break while you’re gone. Instead, leave out toys dogs can use their paws to play with, such as balls or treat-filled toys. This is a great go-to when you’re wondering what to do with your puppy while you’re at work.

Create a Routine

It can be difficult to know what to do with a puppy while you’re at work. But dogs prefer patterns. Having a routine gives them something to look forward to every day, whether it’s meal time, play time, or nap time. If you work more traditional work hours, try implementing a proper schedule.

To start, wake your dog up and take them out at the same time each day. Before you leave, take them on a long walk or play with them inside. This type of schedule for working owners can tire your dog out in the best way and help them relax when you’re gone. For less regimented work schedules, such as part-time schedules, do your best to feed and exercise your dog around the same time.

Doggy daycare can be a game-changer for working dog parents wondering what to do with their puppy while at work. Similar to daycares for children, doggy daycares create a dog schedule for working owners by allowing owners to drop their dogs off for the day for a fun day of play. Such facilities generally feed and play with your dog throughout the day. This structure also allows your dog to socialize and play with other dogs at the daycare making them more social.

Find the Right Entertainment

Like humans, dogs love to be entertained with fun things to do throughout the day. Some dogs love to look out the window and keep an eye on what’s happening outside. When leaving the dog home alone while you’re at work, try opening the blinds or curtains to give your dog a first-class view of the outdoors.

Other dogs enjoy noises and may appreciate having the television or radio left on. Dogs also enjoy games that stimulate their mind. Try hiding your dog’s favourite treats around their space. This invites them to use their noses to discover the treats and can keep them consistently engaged. Finding the right entertainment is one of the easiest answers for how to keep the dog entertained while you’re at work.

Some common games you play with your dog can easily become one-player games for your dog. This is a great hack for how to keep your dog entertained while you’re at work. Using treats, you can teach your dog to play fetch or tug of war on their own. For a dog-friendly game of tug of war, tie a tug rope to a sturdy surface in your home.

Make sure it’s a surface that won’t budge or break as your dog pulls on the rope. You can also teach your dog to push tennis or bouncy balls around and retrieve them. Additionally, dog parents can try remote-controlled toys to play and interact with their dogs at home throughout the day. A video camera left on to interact with them few times while you gone is also a great boon to new age dog parenting.

To end with, more and more employers are offering pet-friendly work benefits to their employees. If you’re unsure of what your company offers, reach out to your employer’s human resources department. Dog-friendly benefits are also a great thing to keep an eye out for when exploring new work opportunities.

Dogs are family.. lets give them the best that they deserve – Mitu Paul