work from home

Encourage option of work from home, business leaders urged

work from homeCM Uddhav Thackeray on Sunday appealed to business leaders to stand with the government to put up a fight against the pandemic.

During the hour-long virtual meeting, Thackeray urged prominent industrialists to function with minimum number of employees to ensure social distancing and encourage work-from-home (WFH).

He also asked them to make accommodation arrangements for wo-rkers, even those on contract, on factory premises.

Thackeray asked the state administration to set up a group of entrepreneurs to coordinate with the government related to their demands and expectations.

Responding positively to the CM’s call, the industry fraternity said they expect the government to adhere to a few measures like 24×7 vaccination programmes, strict rules to encourage Covid-appropriate behav-iour, impose stringent penalty on offenders, ensure employment, and encourage WFH. tnn