Sanjay Kapoor

An interview with Sanjay Kapoor | Chief Operating Officer & Head HR | Interra Information Technologies

Sanjay Kapoor

“Interra Information Technologies is committed to prioritizing employee experience within its people management strategies through various initiatives. | Sanjay Kapoor | Chief Operating Officer & Head HR | Interra Information Technologies”

Q1. Pls share how is Interra Information Technologies, putting employee experience at the center of people management?

Interra Information Technologies is committed to prioritizing employee experience within its people management strategies through various initiatives. Here are some ways we do:

1. Employee centric policies: We design HR policies with the employee’s well-being in mind. This could include flexible work hours, remote work options, generous leave policies, and comprehensive health benefits.

2. Regular Feedback Mechanism: We have established feedback mechanisms such as regular performance reviews, surveys, and open-door policies to ensure employees feel heard and valued.

3. Professional Development Opportunities: We invest in employee growth through training programs sponsorship, workshops, and opportunities for skill development, enabling career advancement and personal growth.

4. Recognition and rewards: We recognize and rewards employees for their contributions and achievements, fostering a culture of appreciation and motivation. We have quarterly and annual awards.

5. Transparent communication: Ensuring employees feel informed and engaged. Interra may keep employees updated on company developments, goals, and changes, fostering a sense of trust and belonging through regular Townhalls.

Q2. Share your journey from HR Head to COO?

I have been with Organization for almost 20 years. Handling the entire paraphernalia of the Organization has been challenging, interesting and fun. It took me 30 years and more than 15 promotions in life to reach where I am today, and I feel proud of myself. Being COO was challenging but yet being CEO is a dream which may come true one day!!!

Q3. Organizations are rapidly shifting to a people-first culture as part of the new norm, how do you see that?

Every business is made of people, there cannot be anything other than people first. I believe and have seen that you can’t have happy customers with unhappy employees. Your employees are only one thing which will make you a successful organization.

Q4. What are the key skills that must be nurtured for the talent to remain in demand? What skills do you watch out for when hiring a potential talent for Interra?

When hiring, first we see the mindset of a person, skills can be achieved, a person can be trained but if there is an attitude issue we cannot fix that. We give a lot of emphasis on communication skills. An open mind, desire to learn, excellent communication and interpersonal skills will always remain in demand.

Q5. What is your career advice to entrance level HR professionals?

Acquire listening skills, communication skills, dress professionally, be a role model for employees, do what you say, give regular feedback , don’t become too personal , don’t encourage bad mouthing of Organization or Managers , be honest, treat people like people and not as resources and always smile !!!!