The Virtual Learning Summit 2020

The Virtual Learning Summit 2020 is 100% Live, 100% Virtual and thousands of professionals will be joining. Make sure you are one of them. Here’s why Virtual Learning Summit 2020 Online is the unmissable L&D event of the year…

A series of webinars “brand-comm Connect”

“brand-comm Connect” is a platform for knowledge sharing through a series of webinars. The idea is to create a platform that allows industry thought leaders to engage with each other to inspire change. The first episode will go live on 20th May, and we would like your help in reaching out to a larger audience.

HRM Summit 2020 organize by Impact Global

2020 marks our Ninth year of hosting incredible HR events in the region. Drawing many of the world’s HR leaders together to learn and do business, HRM Summit combines carefully curated content with unrivalled opportunities to make connections